AREA ATTRACTIONSMUSEUMSKohl Children’s Museum2100 Patriot Boulevard Glenview 847-832-6600Grandparents and Senior Discount Illinois Holocaust Museum Current ExhibitBill Graham and the Rock and Roll Revolution9603 Woods Drive Skokie 847-967-4800 CHICAGO ATTRACTIONS Chicago Architecture Foundation Millennium Park 201 East Randolph (a must see if you haven’t) MUSEUMS Art Institute of Chicago 111 South Michigan Avenue Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago220 E. Chicago Avenue American Writers Museum – recently opened May, 2017180 North Michigan Avenue / 2nd Floor Helpful Websites (theaters, plays, concerts, etc.) SUBURBAN ATTRACTIONS Bahai Temple100 Linden Ave.Wilmette Chicago Botanic Garden 1000 Lake Cook Rd.Glencoe THEATERWriters Theater325 Tudor CourtGlencoeCurrent Play: “Quixote: On The Conquest of Self” Northlight Theater 9501 Skokie BlvdSkokie Current Play: “Sanctions” OTHERArea neighborhood shops and restaurants for shopping and diningThe Glen Town Center1951 Tower Drive GlenviewWestfield Shopping Center / Old OrchardSkokie Blvd. and Old Orchard RoadGOLFWillow Hill Golf Course9 hole course1350 Willow RoadNorthbrook 847-480-7888 Other Public Courses are found in Glencoe, Winnetka and Wilmette